
GeneMarker® is unique genotyping software that has been designed to provide genetic researchers with a “biologist friendly” genotyping tool.

The program’s linked-navigation and intuitive layout make it easy to use, while its accuracy, speed, and extensive collection of post-genotypic applications make it a powerful research tool.

The biologist-friendly software is an excellent alternative to: Applied BioSystems GeneMapper® software, or MRC Holland's Coffalyser.Net software. GeneMarker software is compatible with output files from all major sequencing systems, including ABI®PRISM, Applied Biosystems SeqStudio™, and Promega Spectrum Compact CE Systems genetic analysers, as well as custom primers or commercially available 4-6 dye chemistries. GeneMarker software's Windows® 7-10 based operation simplifies analyses for clinical and basic research in agriculture/wildlife applications.

GeneMarker can perform analysis on up to 1,000 lanes of four or five colour data sets generated by either slab gel or capillary electrophoresis. GeneMarker is compatible with files from all major capillary and slab gel electrophoresis systems including ABI files (*.FSA, .*AB1, *.ABI, *.HID), SCF files, MegaBACE™ files (*.RSD, *.ESD), Beckman-Coulter files, and slab gel image files (TIFF, BIP, JPEG and TXT) from systems such as the LI-COR, DNA Analysers and Kodak Image Station when used in combination with our JelMarker® software.

ChimerMarker brochure

For more information on this product please contact us or download the GeneMarker brochure here.

SoftGenetics GeneMarker brochure download

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Genetic Discovery Technology
ISO 13485