MaSTR™ Enlightened Probabilistic Mixture Analysis Software. MaSTR software features a rapid and transparent approach to Probabilistic Mixture Analysis which utilizes your forensic acumen in an easy-to-use Windows® environment for research, validation and casework applications. Server based MaSTR software is very cost effective, includes two simultaneous user licenses, and automatic queuing of multiple analyses.

MaSTR software was designed following The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science (OSAC) and Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) probabilistic guidelines and published probabilistic approaches (Taylor, et al. and Bright et al.). The analysis code is available, on a confidential basis, with purchase of the software. SoftGenetics has a long-standing commitment to providing support to laboratories during software evaluation, validation and training to bring our software tools online in the laboratory.

MaSTR software’s unique, easy-to-use interface enables analysts to create and submit mixture analysis jobs in minutes. The server-client configuration provides flexibility and lowers costs by performing the analyses on a dedicated computer, freeing up the analyst’s time and computer for other tasks.

ChimerMarker brochure

For more information on this product please contact us or download the GeneMarker brochure here.

SoftGenetics MaSTR brochure download

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